|| ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR PLAYGROUP TO GRADE 10th .  For Enquiry Please Call +91 9766 07 07 00 ||

Message from Trust

We strive to amplify viable and creative professional advancement that urges Mentors to be intelligent & co-operative. As an avid supporter of effective and innovative professional development, we encourages Mentors to be reflective and to continuously elevate our practice to provide quality Mentoring and learning for each student.

Welcome to relish our exceptional educational outcomes and opportunities for gifted and talented succeeding generation. We engaged tiny kids through authentic learning opportunities that inspire them to sprout creativity, confidence and resilience & incite to become independent persons. You will get more information about the organization from Public Mandatory Disclosure.

School Statistics

If you cannot visit during working hours we welcome families for a personal tour. Contact the Admission Office or call +91 9766 07 07 00 to schedule an appointment.

  • PreSchool
  • Primary
  • Middle School
Mentor International School