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Bakrid: The Commemoration Of Sacrifice

India is a nation with a mix of different religions, societies, dialects and celebrations. Numerous celebrations are praised consistently and are commemorated equally to enhance the brotherhood & accepts the moral values from those festivals.

Bakrid is one of the well-known festivals memorialize by the Muslims all over the world where it is known as Eid-Al-Adha. This is a symbolic reminder of what occurred 4,000 years ago. It indicates that the sacrifice of a small group of people can create a new beginning for all of humankind.

As one of the best CBSE schools in Hadapsar, Mentor International school always motivate understudies to respect all religious beliefs.

History Of The Festival:-

It acknowledges the sacrifices of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), who was ready to sacrifice his first born on God’s command & later sacrificed a sheep as per God’s instructions.

The real sacrifice according to God’s planning, was that Abraham had to settle his family near Makkah, which at that time was nothing but a vast desolate.

This was the inception of a new era called the Ishmaelites. God has wanted a new generation of people to blossom in the environment of nature so that these people would be devoid of the corruption and immoralities which can be sensed in people who live in cities and become materialistic.

Animals like goat, sheep, cow or camel are forfeiture on this day. It is a day of feasting and visiting with friends and family. The festival is celebrated after the Hajj pilgrimage.

To commemorate this day of sacrifice and the mercy of God, Bakrid is observed with sacrifice of animals. Out of the best CBSE School in Hadapsar, Mentor acknowledge how the sacrifice of a small group of people can create a new beginning for all of humankind.

Custom & Rituals:-

On this day, people say to each other, “Eid Mubarak!” This means: May you have a blessed Eid! It can also mean: A happy Eid to you!

Individuals wear their best garments, ask in the mosques, embrace one another and exchange gratitude. Every year a creature is executed, and a devour is prepared including different treats and desserts. The meat of the relinquished creature is cooked and imparted to the family, companions, relatives and poor people.

The Muslims likewise trust that nobody ought to go hungry upon the arrival of the sacrificial feast and the nourishment is imparted to everyone around. Individuals likewise pay regards to the dead and visit the burial grounds on this extraordinary day. This celebration spreads the message that acquiescence and confidence in God exclusively advances our lives.


  • This sacrifice is of our negative emotions such as malice, hatred, negativity and pride.
  • Sacrifice of the animal does not remain confined to physically sacrificing an animal, rather it should produce deep spiritual feelings in a person.
  • This is the sacrifice of negative attitude and other wrong habits for the sake of God.
  • This day teaches us lesson of ultimate sacrifice of our most valuable possession to show our love and trust in The Almighty God
  • The act of animal sacrifice symbolized the sacrifice of one’s own self.
  • That merely sacrificing the animal without observing the spirit behind this ritual is of no use.
  • This reflects the basic spirit of the occasion, a combination of two important states of mind—spirituality and dedication.
  • Prayer is an expression of spirituality and sacrifice is an expression of dedication.
  • Sacrifices are essential for the development of all moral and spiritual qualities
  • Development of patience, endurance, perseverance, fortitude, resolve and determination.
  • This teach how to be grateful and humble before god & prepared and willing to obey His commands.
  • it encompasses qualities as wide as restraint and resolve, patience and the will to sacrifice, discipline and steadfastness


It represents enthusiastically gift of our vital way to others that fortify relationships and kinships and to deal with penniless and poor.

This is a period when individuals from various religions and backgrounds meet up, connect with one another and create bonding among themselves. We as best CBSE School in Hadapsar, aware how this festive instills essential methods for advancing harmony, congruity and conjunction in the public eye. We should have a solid confidence in God and should dependably trust in Him, as he generally strolls other than us. As top CBSE School in Hadapsar, we incite how strong belief in God and regard for others can improve this world a best place to live in.





Mentor International School is one of the best CBSE Schools in Pune is also intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and citizenship. This will instil character in students and reinforce positive behaviour. Our top-notch academic studies help out in developing Liberty, Fraternity and Equality in the minds of students.The educational material and teaching methodology of CBSE board are conducive to the national interests of the country. We offer CBSE curriculum which is more student-friendly & very conducive to a positive environment. Referring to best CBSE schools in Pune we prepare our students to pursue future studies from a centralized institution like an IIT or AIIMS.Most modern academic take standards norms to adopt a group of learning strategy to education. This seems to be a dated approach to learning that continues to hamper our attempts to innovate. The fluency of our world-class curriculum matches the fluidity of relevant modern knowledge demands.

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Mentor International School