|| ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR PLAYGROUP TO GRADE 10th .  For Enquiry Please Call +91 9766 07 07 00 ||

Pre Primary,Nursery, Junior K.G. and Senior K.G.

To lay the foundation for a healthy, productive, and satisfying life in the future by enabling the children to develop her/his maximum potential through,

  • Physical well being, health, and motor development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Creative, and aesthetic development
  • Language, communication and literacy development
  • Cognitive development -environmental awareness, development of scientific temper and developing mathematical thinking and reasoning

To prepare child for smooth transitions from home to schools and from preschool to primary school

Primary-Grade 1 to Grade 5

  • Language comprehension: various prose, poetry, drama and fiction and non-fiction
  • Mathematics: Logical reasoning, problem solving and analytical skills
  • Environmental Science/Science and Social Studies: Exploring and analysing environment
  • Information and Communication Technology: Computer based content in all subjects
  • Personal Social Health Education
  • Foreign Language

Lower Secondary and Secondary - Grade 6 and Grade 9

  • At the Secondary  level there is a notable increase in the demand for higher levels of verbal reasoning and written communication skills.
  • The mathematics curriculum aims to establish a strong foundation of mathematics in all the
  • Science classes too aim to strike a balance between teaching factual knowledge and developing the spirit of scientific inquiry.
  • Social Studies is an integrated area of inquiry drawing on the disciplines of history, geography and sociology
  • ICT, PSHE, Drama/ music/ speech, Reading program
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Mentor International School